September 20, 2011

Potty Training... Big girl style!

The morning the girls turned 3 I sang "Happy Birthday" to them and told them they were 3 now and big girls. They were excited and told everyone that they were 3 now. I was not prepared for what happened next. Later that day they told me they had to use the potty. I have heard that one before... They actually went, and the next day and the next day and so on!

So, I think I can say that my girls are officially potty trained! They have only been in diapers at night. Yes, they have had a few accidents, but otherwise they have been wearing their big girl underwear proudly! They have even had success in the middle of our move! Where ever we are at they will use the potty. Of course they ask if there are treats when we are out, and usually the answer is no. But I make up for it when we get home :)

Yay! It was so much easier with the girls. I pretty much let them potty train themselves. After the many months of heartache with potty training Trevor we decided we would just kick back and wait for them to let us know that they are ready. I should have told them they were 3 six months ago!

September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to my sweet babes!

Allie and Kara are 3! Where did the time go!?! Happy Birthday to my sweet babes. You are growing up so fast. We had fun celebrating their birthday with some wonderful hot summer weather. Who knew it would be 90 in September! We turned their party into a pool party. Of course we had the party in the middle of the day with just a little shade. It was very hot to be outside but we had fun celebrating with family and friends!

We had two pinatas which the girls help make. One pink and one purple. They got to swing at them at the same time. Then everyone else took turns. We also made ice cream sandwiches and those too were a big hit! Perfect for a hot summer day. 

The girls woke up to me singing "Happy Birthday" to them. They had huge smiles on their faces! Happy Birthday Kara and Allie!

September 10, 2011

Water ball

Random pics

 Little fishies in pink and blue


This year we took mini day trips for our vacation. We had a lot of fun and at the end of the day we got to sleep in our own beds. What is better than that! We visited the Jetty, spent the night outside camping in our back yard, went to visit our animal friends at the fair and the zoo. The weather was perfect all week long.  Then we came home in time to get ready for school.

Trevor and Allie loved camping in the backyard. Kara not so much. Although she still talks about it :) We definitely need to buy a bigger tent for the 5 of us! We roasted marshmallows by the fire pit and stayed up late looking at all the stars.

Trevor loved going on the boat ride to the Jetty. The tide was out so it was quite a hike to get to the water. But playing in the sand was just as fun :)

At the fair we let the kids each pick a ride to go on. Allie and Kara were positive they wanted to ride in a pink car. We bought the tickets then I walked the girls up to the ride. Kara got in and as I was getting Allie in the car Kara decided she wanted out. So of course Allie followed her sister. We tried to convince them it would be fun to go on a ride but in the end we could not get them to agree. So Trev got to enjoy even more rides. He also went in a big ball on the water. He loved it! We packed a lunch and later bought doughnuts for a snack. That was my favorite thing at the fair when I used to show their as a child.

The zoo was a blast too. We went with other heart families. Although we quickly got separated from our group. We let the girls walk so it took awhile to get from exhibit to exhibit. Allie had gotten a blister from all the walking over the past few days but she was a trooper and did not say anything until the end of the day at the zoo. At first she walked on her tiptoes because she said her foot hurt but she did not want to ride in the wagon... Later in the car we took her shoes off and she had a pretty bad looking blister. It has been over a week and it still has not healed completely. Although with this warm weather and being in the pool everyday is not helping. At least she has not had to wear shoes so that gives her heal a break. Summer is coming to an end and now the crazy fall schedule has begun. We are slowly getting into our new routine.

Long awaited camping pics...

The kids are excited for their backyard camp out. This is a first for the girls.