July 1, 2009

Cruising, strawberries and the Alphabet

Kara and Allie are now able to cruise along the furniture. They are still a little slow at it as they have just begun. It won't be long until they are both walking and then the real fun will begin! Kara likes to crawl from one end of the playroom to the other. She is also our little climber. She will try to climb on or over anything! Allie is mostly content with sitting and playing with her toys. She loves to stand though. They are both getting good at standing and holding on with one hand. If we hold their hand they can take a couple steps. They are getting so big!

I took all three kids strawberry picking yesterday. It was a lot of fun. We came home with a lot of strawberries to freeze. Now we should have strawberries well into winter like we did last year. Trevor did a great job of picking strawberries. He even picked some to take home. I think most ended up in his belly :) The girls did a great job too. I wore one of them in a front pack and a friends daughter wore the other in a moby wrap. We had to be careful though as the girls liked to pick the leaves and try to eat them as we were picking strawberries.

On Tuesday Trevor surprised me by showing me that he can write the whole alphabet in both upper and lower case! He can also write up to number 13 without any help as well as counting that far. He knows his shapes and colors. He can spell his name and mom and dad. Trevor amazes me everyday! He will be four in a couple weeks. He is definitely ready for preschool. Now only if we could get him to go poo on the potty for us. He has been doing great going pee on the potty. Only two accidents so far since I put him in big boy underwear. Yea Trevor!

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

go Trevor go!! your a rock star!