September 15, 2009

Trevor's in preschool!

Today was Trevor's first day of preschool! He is such a big boy now! First we had MOPS in the morning. He loved it. Especially seeing all his old friends he hadn't seen since May.

After MOPS was over I walked Trevor to his classroom. I took some pics and he kept asking why? I told him that he will never have another first day of preschool and I wanted to always remember this day. He kept asking when he could go in and play with his new friends :) We got inside and he sat down next to all the ABC's of course!

He got to finger paint in pudding. Make a 'Trevor' tree, play on the playground and eat snacks! He asked when he got to go back. I'm so glad he had a great first day!

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

go Trevor go!! looking forward to seeing your pics!! glad your day was fun!! enjoy school!!