June 18, 2011

Field Day

Earlier this week Trev finished Kindergarten. He is excited to be going into the 1st grade. Almost 6 years ago it was hard to imagine this far ahead. I had the opportunity to work in his class all day on his last day of school. It was so much fun! The whole school put on a dance festival. Everyone did a wonderful job! Although my favorite was Trevor's class :)

I enjoyed eating lunch with all the kids. It was kinda sad knowing this would be the last time I would see them all. I have really enjoyed working in Trev's class this year. 5 year olds are just so much fun! After lunch the kids did a little math while I helped a couple other moms pack up his teachers room. Soon it was off to field day. What fun that was! The sun came out just in time for the kids to spend and hour or so outside. There were so many things to do. Trev ran from one thing to the next. He had his face painted, danced on stage, bowled, played the drums, ran around like a crazy kid :), potato sack races, bubbles, picked up marbles with his toes, bouncy balls, played on the playground. There could of been more, but I do not remember. It was tiring just watching him go from one activity to the next. Afterwards we all sat with our classes and had popsicles. So much fun and so many fun memories.

Trevor had a great teacher this year and I was blessed by my friends to let me work in her class, as well as his teacher letting me come and help out.

After school we ordered take out and ate in the living room and watched a movie. We are hoping to make this our yearly end of school tradition. The kids had a lot of fun with it!

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