June 5, 2009

Never a dull moment

So I got the courage to take all 3 to water aerobics by myself. We got there and everything was going smoothly. Trevor was playing in the kiddie pool (There was a member of the staff watching him) and I had the girls in little boats as I worked out. Kara the little monkey was trying to climb out :) Allie was all smiles and splashing in the water. They had a lot of fun! At the end of class I took them out one by one so I could play with them in the water. I had Trevor helping clean up the toys so I could get Allie and Kara dressed. I had gotten Allie dressed just then a teacher comes in the locker room telling everyone to get into another room NOW! It was during school so I didn't think she was talking to us. About a minute later, Emily, the lifeguard at the school brings Trevor in and says there is a bomb threat we have to leave immediately. Of course everyone is soaking wet. I found a nice lady and asked if she could help us out to the car. The girls were not happy as they were nice and wet in there car seats. Trevor wanted his shoes, and I told him I didn't know if we had time to get them (he had left them in the pool area.) We were told we had 5 minutes to get out of there or they could make us come back. The teachers were not sure if they were going to lock down the school or not. Of course I had no food for the girls if they did decide to go into lock down mode. So needless to say I am practically running in the pool area with the girls in their stroller get Trevor's shoes. The nice lady held onto Trevor and I put the kids in the car and left as fast as I could. Once I got away from the school I made sure all the kids were safely in the car. One adventurous day after another :)

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