June 2, 2013

GKTW Day 1 part 2

make it through the rest of the day. My Dad finally joined us in the pool too. We played in the splash park as well.

We then went to Katie's Kitchen and had lunch... Mmmm. Boston Market supplies the food to Katie's Kitchen. I was SO excited when I found this out as they left our area years ago and I LOVED their food when they were out here. I of course had to get their yummy mac n cheese. It tasted as good as I remembered it... The kids did not think the same as I did though We had BBQ chicken sandwiches and apples also.

After lunch we had ice cream... You will see a theme here... Ice cream is one of the food groups, right!?! We headed off to Mathew's Boundless Playground. This playground is HUGE!! We seen some more lizards and of course the kids tried to catch them. We played for about an hour then explored some more. We rode the carrousel then headed back to our villa. I told the kids they had to rest for 30 minutes then we could go back out and explore. (Remember these kids have slept no more than 2 hours since waking up the day before!) Of course they then had a MAJOR meltdown. It lasted about 10 minutes then they agreed they would lay in bed for 30 minutes then get up and play... Within 5 minutes the kids were asleep and so was Scott!

While the kids were sleeping my Dad and I went to Walmart to pick up some much needed water bottles and snacks for the park. We bought 4 cases of water!! I caved in and bought the squeezable applesauce. The kids have always wanted them but I could never justify the cost until now! We bought fruit and bread and pb for sandwiches. Once back at our villa we put our stuff away and everyone was still sound asleep so my Dad and I explored some more. We got ice cream again! When we got back I tried waking the kids and they were SO tired they would not wake up. FINALLY I had grandpa go in the room and wake them... Surprisingly they woke up for him.. that would be the theme of the week... Grandpa can get them to do anything!

Once they were awake we decided to do Trevor's star. The kids also got their magic pillow! It was amazing in their with all the stars of all the wish kids who have spent time at the village. Trev loved doing his star and all 3 loved getting their magic pillows. The girls still wonder how the pillows got in the tree After doing this the girls got their nails done. They were super excited! Then off to ride the carousel again! It had started to rain while we and since it was dinner time we decided to walk to the Gingerbread House. It started off light then it started pouring! Then came the thunder and lightning! I was not worried that it would not stop as everyone has warned us that it would last for about 30 minutes than be over. Boy were we in for a HUGE surprise for the rest of our trip! The kids LOVED dinner! Chicken nuggets, corn on the cob, tator tots, hot dogs, grilled cheese, chocolate milk, juice! What is a kid not to LOVE about this place!

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